Recently, The team of Professor Wan Lingyu from SKL is entitled "Inverted-Structural Self-Powered GaN/PZT/ITO UV Photodetector Enhanced by Ferroelectric Modulation" was published in the Advanced Electronic Materials.

Ferroelectric materials with remnant polarization can effectively modulate the built-in electric field of semiconductor devices and hold great promise for the development of high-performance self-powered optoelectronic devices. However, the low depolarization and low separation efficiency of photo-generated carriers limit the performance of existing ferroelectric/semiconductor-based self-powered photodetectors. In this study, a n-GaN/Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3 (PZT)/ITO self-powered ultraviolet (UV) photodetector with an inverted structure and GaN as the optical absorption material is fabricated. By coupling the strong depolarization field (Edp) of PZT with the enhanced built-in electric field (EPZT/GaN) of GaN/PZT heterojunction, this device exhibits outstanding performances with an ultra-high light-to-dark current (Ilight/Idark) ratio of 3.07 × 107, a high responsivity of 176 mA W−1, a high detectivity of 2.36 × 1013 Jones, and a fast response time of 0.52/0.58 ms. Its comprehensive detection performance surpasses most reported advanced ferroelectric/semiconductor-based UV photodetectors. The proposed strategy provides a simple and feasible approach for the design of high-performance GaN-based self-powered UV photodetectors.